There is a certain Buddhistic calm that comes from in the bank. ~ Tom Robbins
See how the power of starting early and saving even small amounts regularly can make an enormous difference to your wealth. To get an idea of the benefits of investing on a regular basis you can use this tool from Fiscal Agents- Savings and Investment Centre:
Calculator: Advantage of early investing
Even a small sum like $50 a month can build a nest egg of over $100,000 if you start at the age of 21 and stop at age 65, starting with an initial sum of $1000 and assuming a 5% rate of return. Try out some possible scenarios on the calculator above to see how you can benefit from regular saving and investing.
Your funds could be regularly invested in high quality mutual or segregated balanced funds and/or a ladder of GICs. In Canada, up to $5000 per year of these funds could be be tax sheltered in a Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA). For those who are comfortable taking on a bit more risk you could allocate a larger portion of the money to mutual funds and/or segregated equity funds.
Contact us at Celesta Financial for some options in these areas and kick start your savings plan right away.
"A penny saved is a penny earned." Benjamin Franklin